I have had a splendid day. Zac was blessed with the opportunity to deliver some food to a local hospital for a little extra cash(some friends of our own the homiest restaurant and get pretty slammed with Christmas catering orders.) Instead of staying home and doing school with Brady like maybe I should have done....we just loaded up the kids and we all made the delivery together. We were able to take the kids and let them pick out a toy to buy to give to a local charity that will be serving Christmas dinner to over 5,000 people this year....and hopefully also there will be enough toys collected that each family can have a new gift to give their child. It makes me so sad to think of a family not being able to give there child even a simple gift on Christmas...can you imagine? The kids had fun picking out the toy and I would love for this little act of giving to be one of our new traditions for years to come.
I made some manicotti this evening (zac made the remark "man, I love it when you cook meals like this"-guess I've made one to many sandwhiches here lately)....we had wonderful french bread and just a bit of chardonnay on the side(close your jaws folks....yes, I'm one of those pregnant women)...then this evening after kids were in bed Zac made me a bubble bath. Our bathtub may be small...it might have a ring of mold around the edge that WILL NEVER COME OFF...but when your body is tired and your feet are swollen...that little 5x6 bathroom is heaven on earth. Don't I have the most thoughtful husband?
Hope you all had a good day....and one more question that I NEED answered. I have the worst heartburn from the moment I conceive a child until the moment they vacate my body(romantic huh?) What are some home remedies that I could use....I have tried different teas, tums, even a perscription from the doctor. I need help!!!! It doesn't matter if I eat a banana or salsa, water or juice...I'm in pain almost all day. Any suggestions would be great my dear readers.
Ugh. I've felt that pain! I got it all through the first and last trimesters with Sophia. No fun. I pretty much lived on Earth Mama Angel Baby's heartburn tea. Also, rootbeer floats helped...and milk. I'm not a milk drinker except when I have heartburn. My midwife suggested dried papaya, but it didn't do much for me. Hope you find some relief!
I just stir maybe a 1/4 tsp of baking soda in a half glass of water and drink it down. Might make you burp a bit but does give relief!
Hope you feel better soon!
I know your pain!! I have had it terribly the whole way through as well, really takes much of the joy out doesnt it!? Honestly I have no idea what you can do, but I sympathise. SOme things I got told to do, but didnt work for me most of the time, but hey a little relief is better than none I suppose. Ginger tea, very small sips can help settle tummy and is good for nausea too. Eating very small amounts and chewing food really well, this did help ease it for me a bit. I did resort to Mylanta once or twice to get relief at the end when it was worse. Oh and I did a lot of upright sleeping to amongst a mound of cushions.
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