I'm going to have to remind Zac that I'm not pregnant anymore.....he need no longer place his hand lovingly on my belly for photos (I guess old habits die hard.) So there we were Sunday afternoon surrounded by four rather grumpy kids. Zac suggested we take a ride up into the mountains, chill out with a cup of Starbucks .... and just take in some fresh air.

It turned out to be a lovely afternoon spent in Boulder. What a wonderful reality to have...to just be able to say "lets go somewhere beautiful" - and 30 minutes later be there.

We took the kids to a local park there where the mountains were the back drop....we were surrounded by hippies of all sorts and definitely "eco friendly" folks - I felt quite in my element. :) The babies (sad to say) got to swing for the first time and LOVED it. My little daredevil Tristan was all about climbing to the highest spot of everything he could find....and running for the lake at full speed with Brady and Trinity screaming in the background, afraid for his life.

It was so good to see the kids laugh and smile and feel "at home." For kids, I think parks generally are home....it's where they feel like they belong.....it's familiar.

We had a sub sandwhich for lunch and I did a little thrifting BECAUSE thrift stores are open here on Sundays .....praise be!

The rest of the day, even after we were home, went by really well. Sometimes you just need to see something beautiful, or get a change of scenery or spend some time in the sun to get a better handle on life. God is such and artist.

And not to leave here on a bad note...but I would appreciate prayers for my parents. My mom called me last night from Texas(she and my dad had just checked in to a hotel there on their way back to Mexico) and my dad, to make this short, went into cardiac arrest. He's doing better today after spending the night there at the hospital...but he's given us all quite the scare! If you could pray for answers and also for comfort for my mom as she's all alone there, in a strange town - with no familiar faces around her ....I can't imagine seeing your life partner in such a vulnerable state and all of the sudden...after an afternoon of jogging together and playing in the ocean!
Ha Ha! I thought the same thing about the first picture with Zac's hand on your belly! I was like, wait a second. Did I miss something?? Looks like a beautiful little trip. Glad your dad is doing better, too.
Ssoooooooo happy to have found your blog mama!! What a fantastic read!!! I have to say your pictures of Boulder and the mountains are getting me a bit sappy!! We just bought land in Nederland in hopes of starting an Organic and Biodynamic farm (yeah we ae crazy... it's cold up there!!!!) currently we live in Ohio, but will be up in the snow and beauty next year! I am ssooooo enjoying your bloggy! We also have four boys (under five!) and seem to have a lot in common ;)
Thank you for sharing your space!
i just realized i plagiarized this post title a week later! you must be inspiring me subconsciously :-)
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