Why Hello Saturday...I wasn't looking forward to you. The Hubby was away, the sky was sunny and I thought I would be stuck inside with crazy children. However, I'm pleased to let you know that I DID enjoy you...I was NOT stuck inside. I've been finding out that there really is something to having a cheerful heart and a desire to live simply and joyfully.

I spent the day collecting a photographing my very own roses...no store bought ones here (let's face it...the man doesn't have the cash flow and I would much rather have a quart of honey then a dozen hothouse roses.)

I weeded a bit around the corn (notice I said *a bit*) and gave them a good long drink. Then I crept up behind the long stalks to find....

Why Hello! Peek a boo to you my very first cucumber...you are are growing nicely and I have plans for you (it includes cream cheese and dill.)

I watched my bug run around barefoot in our long overgrown grass (I prefer overgrown to freshly manicured...a lot more texture) and listened to Koala and Squirrel splash and play in mud (I provided the mud by pouring out their dirty pool water in a dirty spot to make an even dirtier play area...oops.)

And then there were more flowers....aren't they just divine? When I'm 45 I think I'll throw a dinner party and decorate the table with goblets full of roses and tea lights placed on mirrors...I think I'll do that for sure. Just sounds like something a 45 year old should do...

Something about having a little glass of roses sitting in your kitchen window somehow makes doing the dishes much more manageable.

Plus, did you know that I'm surrounded by angels? Real life blue eyed strawberry blonde haired angels....they run around bumping into imaginary turtles and pretending to be Curious George but I know the truth of what they are....others might mistake them for hooligans.

And just as my day was about to end, the loveliest breeze blew in, inviting us to spend a wee bit more time in the fresh air...some chalk and Pandora set on David Nevue is just the ticket.

And take a peek at this picture drawn by squirrel! I was most impressed with her boat and water...and a little patch of blew sky. Perhaps some artistic talent there?

And then, to top of my gorgeous day...a ringing doorbell and a package from vitacost with Brady's school necessities - chewable vitamin C, spirulina powder to mix into smoothies to give him brain energy...and tea tree oil shampoo (I read that tea tree oil wards of lice AND I've also heard that a lot of kids get lice in school......I'm taking preventative measures. )
Tomorrow will bring a shopping trip at the Farmer's Market on the way to church (I think I'm going to start spending 40% of my grocery budget at Farmer's markets and on bulk whole foods...healthier, helps the local economy and there isn't as much waste...win win win) and then church, and then a thrifting search with Zac in the afternoon. I'm excited.
Plans for this week:
~ start my wild cherry bark cough syrup brew (I make it out of herbs and vegetable glycerin...)
~ start up my Child's Composition brew (a tincture that boosts kids immunities...trying to prevent some sickness around here this fall)
~ start my FOURTH painting (and NO you can't see them)
~possibly get out the sewing machine
~ register Trinity for homeschooling
~exercise four times
~start my new supplement regimen and ALSO feed vitamins to Zac :)
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