Mar 26, 2006

Panama City Beach

On Monday last week a friend of ours invited us to go with them to her parent's condo in Panama City. Zac couldn't go because of work but he told me to take the baby and get out of Dodge. SO, we loaded up on Tuesday and had a wonderful 6 days in Florida.
I will say however that it was a very LONG trip without Zac, and that I never want to be away from him for that long again. Brady was an excellent little baby while we were there, so I was very blessed. He didn't care too much for the sand and I had a hard time not being worried about sunburn and such. But, we both made it back sunburn free!
The water was so very beautiful...I wish I could have taken more pictures. I love pictures so much. Anyways, I'm glad to be home. Their beautiful condo was nice, but at the end of the day I just want my cute little country home, a good cup of decaf, and my Zac next to me.


aubrey payne said...

how cute are you? lovin' those white sands and blue waters!

Julia said...

Hey Kia, that was a great pic of you and the baby. I can understand his distaste for the sand, I have it myself. But just maybe, HE will grow out of it. :) That picture you took of the sand and water should be in a calendar, it was an incredible pic, the light coming off the water just perfect. You always were a good photographer. Hey, how on earth did you last that long. I MIGHT have lasted like 2 MAYBE 3 days tops, and then I would have been packing up and heading STRAIGHT back home. I can't believe you lasted the whole time, how did Zac fair? Poor guy, but that was sweet of him to send you, even though I KNOW he wanted to go too. ;)
bye bye now, Jules

PS this sure beats sending emails, I get to look at pictures and then just comment, it's great!

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