Nov 22, 2009

Thanksgiving Plans

Have you pressed leaves in wax paper yet this fall? It really is so easy and I love the way the sun makes the leaves glow. The kids had a blast making them...kind of. Okay - I really made them and they sort of watched...but they like looking at them. :) And, they did help collect the leaves. :)

Tis the season to give thanks. We're celebrating Thanksgiving alone this year. At first I was just going to totally skip it and save the calories but Zac said he really wanted turkey. :( So, I'm going to put together a mini feast for us for turkey day and we'll watch the parade on tv with the kids...maybe I'll come up with a Thanksgiving inspired craft for the special day? Tomorrow I'm going to brave the shopping crowds and go get my groceries for the week. I spent a hour tonight clipping coupons, sorting coupons, making up my weeks menu....hopefully there will be some good deals out there. I've written to several different organic companies asking for coupons and I got my first response in the mail yesterday....FREE products. Newmans Own sent me three different coupons to try their product so I'm excited about picking those up tomorrow. Nothing like scoring a deal. :)


Jeanie said...

Awwww, sure wish we could get you and your dear brood up here to celebrate with us. Love you to pieces dear Springy!

Laura said...

Love the new posts, and love the way you "came clean" about the pressed leaf craft - that was awesome! It seems like moms always try to one-up each other with all our mom skills, so I love that you were like, Yeahhh...they watched. :) Awesome!

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