Sep 19, 2008

Ups and Downs and All- Arounds

Don't you just love days that have no end but when they are over you wonder what it is that you did all day? Just so you all know, I'm writing in bold because for some reason I can't change to regular font. Muy interesante...I shall I have to figure this out later.

The kid's were fine, just the day started so early with the same housework to be done, the same games to be played, and my same tiredness to push through. I love the fact that when the kids are both tucked in for the night and I'm able to have a cup of tea or cocoa, I'm able to just realize, again, that with God I can push through whatever I need to get things done and to live the way He wants me to live. In my Psalms today (I believe it was chapter 4 verse 4) it was basically saying that when you're angry be quiet and sleep on it. I agree, however, I don't totally understand how with small children you can always be quiet since you have to handle things that second. Obviously I'm not suppose to be angry in the first place? Reading this though did seem to help me in some of those *moments* where I needed to respond with grace instead of anger.His grace is sufficient for me; I hope that one day I will have patience mastered. Maybe? By the time I'm 75?
We(oh dear, I figured out how to get the type back the way it's suppose to be) had some beans to shell so that took a little bit of time on the porch. Such a BEAUTIFUL afternoon, the perfect combination of sun with a cool breeze, not to hot not to cold. Trini loved teething on beans, I now know what people probably use to give there teething tots way back when there weren't teething really is the best thing because it isn't to hard and not to soft, the perfect length to be jammed up into the mouth under the protruding new incisor, I was most happy. However, I think they definitley are a choking hazard (don't worry, I watched her like a hawk.)

The perfect weather for hanging out the wash...don't you just love the way little dresses look on a line? All clean and fresh, the smell is so nostalgic. I daydreamed about just lying down in a pile of clean wash in the sun...probably I just needed a nap. :) can see my IHOP apron there on the line...very serviceable and I love the way it fits but I feel like a waitress everytime I put it on. We did three loads of laundry today, thankfully Trin doesn't mind playing on a blanket while I hang out the clothes. Brady just pads around barefoot watching the ground super intently saying "watch out for the pinecones." If he would wear shoes he wouldn't need to "watch out." So cute though.

Here's a picture that captures him doing what he does everyday...making soup, or taking out the trash, or making's all make believed right here into this very bucket. He'll say "a takin' ou da tras "(taking out the trash) and a shovel full of rocks goes into the bucket. I'll say "What are you making Brady?" He replies "A makin' coffee" and a shovel full of rocks or leaves goes into the bucket. Too cute, and he'll do this for hours on end. I think he likes the fact that he can be left alone to his imagination making as big of a mess as he wants and it's just fine. Tonight he was in the bathtub looking super thoughtful about something. He looks me in the eye and says on the top of his lungs "X X, a spell TJMaxx!" I don't how long he will say "a" for "I" or why he was thinking about TJMaxx but it really is his most favorite place and we hardly ever go.

After the kid's naps we made Cowboy Cookies. Let me tell you, these things are delicious with a capital "D." I put in oats, craisins, chocolate chips, and if I have it coconut. They are so good and with all the little extras in there you can almost half the sugar. I just love giving the kiddos the spoons to lick...they look so content with life with dough smeared all over their happy little faces.

Oh...and I'm not sure if I ever showed the pictures of Trin curtain's that I made. They look much better in pictures...ha ha. It's just that if you get up close there are tons of flaws, but thankfully some of those simple mistakes have slowly been going away as I've been getting more and more comfortable with sewing.

Remember the IHOP apron? Well, I used that one as a pattern and I made myself this apron today with a bed sheet I got at the local thrift store for a dollar. It turned out better then I had hoped. I still have half of the sheet left so I'm thinking of making a couple pillowcases or maybe a pinafore for Trin out of it. Stay tuned! So, all in all it was a very busy day that never seemed like it would end. Not saying that I want my life to just fly by but sometimes it is tiring trying to come up with creative things to do all day. I have tons of stuff that if I was by myself I would love to tackle, but some of it would totally leave the kids out and they aren't to an age where I can really leave them unattended for too long. Plus, I want them to be with me...learning beside me. Someday I'll be able to tackle all of my huge projects and I'll be thinking of excuses to not tackle them. :) No, not really...I'm not really like that. I love a good long as I can win. :)


Rockin' Robin said...

I LOVE your new apron! Here I was thinking (after the IHOP apron comment), "hmmm, I wonder if I can find her a new apron for her birthday?" And, VOILA! There you have one! Super how about some sewing material instead? A couple of weeks ago, I bought a couple of dresses at the thrift store that had BEAUTIFUL skirts on them but were WAY too small for me. At only a few dollars each, I decided I could cut the bodices off, run a casing pocket at the top, put in elastic, and have a new skirt! That is MY goal get those ready to wear for the last week of 5th grade play rehearsals this next week! You look so pretty in your new apron!

Grammy said...

Holy cow, Girl! You got TONS, I mean TONS done in one day!!! What an industrious little homemaker you are!

By the way, I've been thinking about your birthday for weeks now. It's coming up!Did you forget? I have a present packaged up and ready for the mail, but it probably won't make it to you for your birthday. I want you to know I'm thinking of you!

Hugs and Kisses!

Toplovs said...

I can't believe you whipped up an apron in one sitting! It takes me like 5-10 minutes to sew a button on; that's how challenged I am with sewing!!! It looks great and those green beans are making me hungry.

MOM said...

I love your blogs. I wish I could say that I am amazed by your creativity but I have watched you from your is an ongoing thing. And now that you have a daughter I think you will continue to grow in it. The apron is lovely...I love the pic of the kids licking the spoons and beaters. Wow! Do they bring back memories. i look forward to your family joining us tomorrow. Hope you have a good rest between now and then.,

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