Nov 4, 2008


This is just a little note to let everyone know that Zac and I are both healing well and are back in the swing of things. My stitches come out tomorrow and I'm very excited (yet very nervous to have a group of people standing over me prodding my face) to have the stitches out and to see if it looks ANY better at all. People stare at me so much...I thought it wouldn't really bother me but it does. They see the left side of my face and then when I turn around the always look shocked, and then embarrassed that they appeared shocked, then they look at the floor or something. I would almost like to wear a T shirt that says "No. I didn't get attacked by a dog. My husband doesn't beat me. It was a basal cell."
Zac is still home until Tuesday and then gets to go back to work. It's been nice having time with him but I know he is very ready to get back to his normal routine.


MOM said...

Starting to know how your mom feels when she wears short sleeves...? Or should I say long sleeve shirt and
then takes it off with a short sleeve underneath??
You are beautiful even with the stitches...I know 'cause I have seen you face to face. The scar will go away with time so please do not fret over it. You have come a long way baby!! You'll do okay with the rest of the journey.
Oh, I refer to you and Zac's status like a bad cat fight that neither one won!

chajaro said...

Hola alyssa & zac, les mandamos un saludo y bendiciones desde aqui (chihuahua)sandra y yo y espero que sus operaciones sanen pronto.
Me da tristeza de que la gente haga eso pero son personas que debes ignorar solo pensar que con el favor de Dios todo va a estar mucho mejor en unos dias.
Zac por favor visiten nuestro blog( y pongan una notita para saber que si se acuerdan de nosotros.
Perdon por escribir en espaƱol pero despues mi esposa no entenderia que escribo(neither me jajaja)God bless you 4.

Toplovs said...

yeah, your stitches are coming out today. You'll have to let us know how that went. I am thinking I would feel the same way you do with everyone staring.

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