Jan 20, 2009

All In Half a Day's Work

I haven't been sleeping well at all...crazy dreams every single night where I wake up feeling like I'm emotionally torn apart, or someone is chasing me...you know the feeling, where you sleep but feel like you haven't slept at all. And for some reason Brady woke up several times crying last night and always went back to sleep just fine...but it was so sad to go into his room with him crying saying "Mama hold you?"
He has been the SWEETEST child the last 5 days. I'm not quite sure what's going on...maybe something in the water, but he has had a total attitude change. He's being totally sweet tempered...not one ounce of hiperness in his body (strange for a 3 year old little boy) and then he DREADS getting in trouble. It's just so weird because a couple weeks ago I was on my knees asking God what in the world I should do and just PLEASE give me patience to get through another day. Don't get me wrong...I enjoyed him even when he was going through a totally challenging time. But by the end of the day I felt like I was going to lose it if I had to say "no" or "stop that" or "remember to be gentle with Trini." Anyways, now he's done a 180 and I just hope it lasts for awhile because it has been a nice break for my heart, body, AND mind.
Back to how I feel today...quite tired. So, i tried calling my friend Havala and seeing if she would be able to come over later this afternoon to relieve me...and joy or all joys - She CAN! So, I quickly got to work because I can't relax if things aren't in some kind of order. I decided to get a few things done this morning and then she's going to play with the kids for awhile so I can lay down and maybe shower. I did some laundry, plus a load of diapers...oh, see the picture of my bed? I would like to make some burnt orange pillows or some throw pillows that are a very *organic* green. I don't know how to describe the color except it's very earthy and I love it.

then I put together a pot of soup. Funny thing...I'm running out of groceries much faster these days - I'm finally understanding how "another mouth to feed" is actually a reality and does get more expensive. I have no groceries but still managed to make a meal out of what I have. Funny what hunger will make you come up with....

Then I mopped my kitchen and bathroom and cleaned the whole kitchen...another thing that seems to get dirty more often. Speaking of my kitchen, I just now realized that I have never shown everyone the new yellow walls. I like it so much more then the old shade...it's much more *brilliant* and *sunny.* I've never thought of myself as a "yellow person" per say but with the white cabinets and the color of the counters I like it in our little Tunnel Hill home. The sign above my stove was our Christmas gift from Josh and Rachel. Perfect too because I had nothing to go there and it filled up the spot perfectly.

Then I baked a batch of oatmeal cookies to have on hand for snack today. I always use half of the sugar and I love using whole wheat flour with my grinder because it tastes so light...you don't have to add white at all. I also didn't have nuts so I threw in a handful of pumpkin seeds and they are delicious. So...I'm off to have a cup of tea and a few cookies...it's time to relax now that it's 1 pm and kid's nap time. I NEVER work during their nap...I refuse to at present.


Lindsay said...

Thank you for the encouragement!!! I'm trying so hard to rest in Jesus & in His wonderful promises.

It's so strange that you said you've been having horrible dreams where you wake up and feel as though you haven't slept. Seems like since I've been pregnant that's been happening to me, and last night was the WORST! I even woke up at 3pm, fell back asleep around 3:30 & my dreams picked up RIGHT where they left off with me running & running and trying to get away from whatever awfulness was chasing me! Maybe it's the hormones???

The Toplovs said...

Well, you certainly managed to get a whole bunch done before your friend came to step in. I'm like you in that if I know company is coming, I'm racing to get things looking orderly and always the bathroom needs a quick check to make sure it's presentable.

Hmmmm, I've never had a problem with my dreams, expect for one with Jaida when I thought her foot was going to break through my skin.

Hope you were able to have a little down time.

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