Apr 7, 2010

Lovely Thursday

If we would have a true home, we must guard well our thoughts and actions. A single bitter word may disquiet the home for a whole day; but, like unexpected flowers which spring up along our path full of freshness, fragrance and beauty, so do kind words and gentle acts and sweet disposition make glad the home where peace and blessing dwell. No matter how humble the abode, if it be thus garnished with grace and sweetened by kindness and smiles, the heart will turn lovingly towards it from all the tumults of the world, and home, " be it ever so humble," will be the dearest spot under the sun. -Golden Gems of Life
I've been thinking a lot today about "a soft answer turns away wrath." I often think I'm doing a pretty good job monitoring my attitude in front of the kids and the way I speak to others, but I want to go deeper....I want to have soft answers in my mind. I'm realizing more and more that in order to have outward change, it first must come from a change of heart...and eternal growing. I really pray that my children will grow up to be loving adults that speak with kindness - I think I've had an infatuation all of my life with people that are "low key" and patient - I guess because I'm not. I know that's why God gave me sweet Zac (picture me smiling really big right now.) Soft answers....even when no one is watching...even when *no one* cares. Like I tell my kids often "even if mommy doesn't see when you disobey...God does." Ha ha...sometimes I wonder if their little heads imagine one great big pair of eyes staring at them from some unseen space. It's wonderful knowing that God also sees the good...even when no one else does.
On to a lighter topic...what do you see in the above picture? Got it? A little pan, bead necklace, and air gauge thingy.....

Trini informed me that it was a plate of spaghetti and a lovely spoon - kids crack me up. This is the very reason why I don't purchase a bunch of toys for my kids...they really don't need them. Give them a strip of fabric and an acorn and they'll be just fine. I read a couple of Christmas's ago that a great gift idea for littles is to buy them stuff like measuring spoons, flashlights, camping cups (the tin ones) and, believe me, that's what 3 little Corley's will have a stocking full of this year - household items. I'm always right in the middle of baking when I start scrambling around searching for my Tablespoons and teaspoons...then squirrel comes running in with a sheepish grin on her little rosy face "here you go mama" as she hands me about 5 missing items from my kitchen drawer.
She and I sat on the porch this evening and we shared her plate of *spaghetti.* I use the word share lightly here since she got all the noodles (lucky dog) and I just got the air guage to chew on.

And in closing...my new latest little project. Isn't it so cute?! I'm excited because I found this template for free online but they also have it in a couple of different sizes and I think I could make some really cute Christmas ornaments....Hmmmm.....why am I already thinking of Christmas? It's because I'm Alyssa folks....just accept it. It will ALWAYS be this way.


... said...

Umm....I think today is Wednesday? :) My hubby thought today was thursday also...

Rockin' Robin said...
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Rockin' Robin said...

I love, love, LOVE your posts! I so agree with you on every point! Oh, and I really think that bird should be red...as in a robin! :>D Love ya'll!

K E Fleck said...

LOL I'm always thinking of Christmas, too. I just can't help it!

God sees the good stuff no one else does, too ... good reminder.

Best Wishes!

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