Sep 18, 2010

Soccer, Cooler Weather, and Beans

We've been super busy and also just in a general....lounging....state of being. I've been horrible keeping up on the blog....not that I haven't taken any pictures (256 in one week) I just haven't been faithful to upload them and write. So, even today this blog will just be a photo that our loved ones can see that we are alive and thriving...there are no poetic thoughts swirling around in my head this afternoon so you will have to be content with "one liners."
So....what we've been up to...
...visiting Zac at the fire station (Brayden always with a certain scenario he has to play out on the funny.)

...watching the littles faces day and night....smiles and frowns, giggles and songs...

.....taking advantage of chilly mornings to snap pictures of the hummingbirds that feast on our sugar water.

...wearing sweaters in the a.m. (to bad it's not ALL day yet...I'm so ready for the REAL fall with pumpkin pies.)

...Trins very determined face and one of her very drunk face...I didn't mean to include the second one. :)

....watching our baby becoming "not so babyish" sniff sniff.

...changing up the kid's room for fall...adding a little picture by their kitchen of a sunset over a patch of pumpkins...fall colored table runner quilted by my mom...

...creating a reading nook under Trin's bed...

....loving their paper dollhouse and castle from Aunt Robin. She gave these to us a couple of years ago but I had them hidden away until the kids were old enough to "treat them right." So, they are allowed to play with them in seperate places (like not as to stop arguing and ripping from occurring) and I get them out and put them away. I'm a little protective over these treasures....

...playing soccer with daddy.

....pretending to be the Statue of Liberty...

...making bean soup. I got both of these bowls and a little hand carved wooden spoon for a dollar TOTAL at the Salvation Army yesterday. Trin loves LOVE playing with dried beans I come to learn.

And that wraps it up for now. Hopefully soon I'll be back into my creative mind and I'll be able to actually sort out my thoughts and make sense of them on paper (errrr....web.)


Madeline said...

Sounds like y'all been up to a lot of beautiful living. :)

Rockin' Robin said...

YAAAYYYY!!! I've missed you! And I'm so glad to see them enjoying the paper doll houses! I L-O-V-E the book holder in the book nook. Great job!

Grammy said...

I SO love these pics. Thanks, Dear Daughter-in-love!

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